Friday, October 19, 2012

Space Website

Space Station Kids

Space Station Kids is a site that focuses on life in outer space and what it's like to live aboard the International Space Station. The Space Station operates with cooperation from 15 different countries around the world and acts as a giant science laboratory in space!

(n.d.). International space station. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

One section of the website focuses on the space station itself. On the site you'll see how big the station is, how it gets its power and how it was built, plus lots more. I especially love the sections with interactive models and videos.

Another section of the site focuses on questions regarding what it's like in outer space. The webpage answers questions about weightlessness, vacuum and radiation all through really cool interactive content.

The final section answers all our favorite astronaut questions. What do they eat in space? Do they need to exercise in space? What do they do if they're sick in space? I was blown away by many of the answers!

Space station kids. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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