Saturday, October 20, 2012

Earth-like Exoplanet

Scientists have recently discovered an 'Earth-like' planet within the habitable zone of a star. The new planet is a close galactic neighbor, at only 20 light years away (that's still 11,700,000,000,000,00  miles away!). The scientists believe that this new planet likely has liquid water, which is very exciting since we believe liquid water to be the key to life on other planets!

As you watch the video, answer the questions below. Be prepared to discuss your answers in class.

1. How much bigger is the 'radius' of this new planet than Earth?
2. Where was the observatory that discovered the planet located?
3. How can the new planet have water on it's surface if it's so much closer to it's star than Earth is to the Sun?
4. The astronomers can't actually see the planet. How do they know that it even exists? What do they look for?

Astronomers find first earth-like planet in habitable zone [Web]. (2007). Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. This is a very interesting video. Your students will be excited to find out that there is a possible planet for humans to live. I am thrilled because my unit of study is on evolution, and one of the articles I found states a prediction that some humans will move to other habitable planet and continuously evolve as a new species.
