Thursday, October 18, 2012

Diamond Planet

Super-Sized Planet Likely Made of Diamonds

The search for Exoplanets often has scientists focused on finding worlds that look very similar to our own. However, in their search, NASA scientists have recently uncovered a world that they believe is mostly made out of graphite and diamonds! The world is mostly composed of carbon (unlike Earth) and both graphite and diamonds are created from only carbon atoms.

This new planet, called 55 Cancri, is several times larger than the Earth and far more dense. Interestingly, 55 Cancri orbits a star very similar to our Sun. Perhaps most interesting is the idea that because the planet is made of diamonds, that 55 Cancri could have very different types of earthquakes and volcanoes than see here on Earth.

Imagine that you are a space explorer and you land on 55 Cancri. Describe what you see and experience on this new and exciting Diamond world!

Moskowitz, C. (2012, October 12). Super-earth planet likely made of diamond. Retrieved from

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